Aaron’s fourth month brought a whole bunch of changes for the Stantons. His mommy went back to work and he started ‘daddy day care’. They come to the mall to visit me and walk around. Since it is way too hot out for walks around the block now.
He also started sleeping in his crib like a big boy! Mommy and daddy miss having him in their room, but it seems like we all started sleeping better through the night.
Aaron loves to grab anything, especially hands, and put them in his mouth. And he is obsessed with his feet! If he’s laying on his back his feet go up in the air and he always gets excited when someone notices or touches his feet.
This month he made his farthest journey down to Cooper City to visit his grandparents. And he met mommy’s (really his grandparent’s) dog Fella for the first time.
His daddy celebrated his first Father’s Day! Jon played golf with his dad and Aaron split up his time with his dad and both grandpas.
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