Baby bath time used to be something we completely dreaded. In the beginning he would scream from start to finish. And we would put off bathing him as long as we could. I mean he didn’t really leave the house so how dirty could he get? We’ve thankfully come a long way over the last year. Between his bath toys and the bubbles, now its hard to get him to come out.

We love our Skip Hop bath! The mesh sling makes its comfortable for baby and grows with them while they learn to sit up. And once they are sitting up, you just remove it.
It comes in 2 color ways (I thought the gray was a good neutral).
We also have the matching bath rinser and spout cover.
Since his first bath, we’ve kept his tub inside the bathtub. At first I was sitting on the edge of the tub which was fine because his baths were pretty quick. But then bath time got more fun for this water baby and baths got longer and sitting like that was not comfortable or good for my back. I ordered this knee and elbow cushion set. Bath time became a lot more comfortable for me.
Tubby Todd
When Aaron was a couple weeks old I noticed he had some cradle cap (or baby dandruff). I fell down a hole of research on how to get rid of it and ended up ordering this brush and Tubby Todd AOO. Which then led me down a hole of ordering basically everything Tubby Todd sells. (We use their AOO, lotion, diaper cream and hair/body wash).
The lavender and rosemary scent is so delicious and I feel good about the ingredients I’m putting on my baby.
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